Litha: Celebrating The Summer Solstice

Litha: Celebrating The Summer Solstice

 Solstice blessings to you and yours! ☀️ 
One of my absolute favorite witchy celebrations of the year is Litha/Summer Solstice and this year it's an exciting one.

Pronounced "Lee-thuh" and also known as Midsummer, occurs on June 20th this year, marking the longest day and shortest night of the year. The sun is at the very peak of its power, nature is in bloom, fairies and nature sprits are at their strongest.

Traditionally, cultures around the world have seen summer as a celebration of the strength and fertility of Mother Earth and of other goddesses who represent the divine feminine.

"The sun reaches its highest point of the year, like the culmination of a full moon's waxing. In order to stay steady in this full solar power, we ground ourselves by inviting the earth and the sky to meet in our bodies."

What makes this Solstice so special?

This year Litha coincides with June's Full Strawberry Moon in CapricornOn the evening of June 21 —just after sunset—the full Moon will rise above the horizon, reaching peak illumination at 9:08 P.M. Eastern Time.

Since the full Moon happens on the solstice, the very day the Sun is at its highest of the year, this month’s full Moon is the very lowest full Moon, the lowest we’ve seen in years. Because the Moon is so low, it will appear bigger than ever. This is called a "Moon illusion"

June’s full Moon—typically the first of summer—is called the Strawberry Moon. The name has been used by Native American tribes to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.

The changing seasons of the year are created by Earth’s annual orbit around the sun. Solstices are the extreme points as Earth’s axis tilts toward or away from the sun, when days and nights are longest or shortest. On the Summer Solstice, the Sun is at its highest point in the sky, giving the most direct energy onto the Earth. Even at 93 million miles away, it warms, illuminates and energizes us, making us feel our best and our brightest. There is no better day to connect with the brightest star in our solar system than on Litha.



On the Solstice the constellation of cancer appears just as the seasons begin to change. On the longest day of the year the Sun leaves its spot in Gemini and makes its way over to the sign of the crab.

For the next month, we'll feel more connected to our roots, more sentimental, and ready to connect deeper with our homes and ourselves. Cancer season is often an emotional time, but as we known, the cure to anything is water--sweat, tears, the sea. 

Cancer is the first cardinal sign as well as the first water sign of the zodiac, so it holds a very initiatory energy. While June 1st is typically thought to be the beginning of the second half of the year, in reality, June 21st is the real kick-off of the second part of the year. If our New Year’s resolutions didn’t work out (or most likely shifted), this day lends us a second chance.

A lunar symbol, Cancer belongs to the water element and is known to be passive, domesticated, imaginative, romantic and ~sometimes~ self absorbed. The influence of the Moon points to a vivid imagination and inner depth, both qualities consistent with the sign. In this way, while Cancer season is very much a season of emotion, but it doesn’t ask you to deal with your emotions entirely in isolation! You can still open your heart to caring and being cared for. This is a time to love the people closest to you, who have proven themselves true, and to let them love you in return.  Everyone is influenced by the powers of Cancer this month no matter what your zodiac sign.


Litha is a pagan holiday; one of the eight sabbats/festivals of the Wheel of the Year. The life giving Sun is celebrated all over the world with various traditions, such as fire festivals, song circles, dance ceremonies, and more. Monuments like the great pyramids and Stonehenge were built to measure time so the four markers of the season—summer and winter solstices, fall and spring equinoxes—could be pinpointed. The Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires and dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire, and rolling them down a hill into a body of water.

In folklore, Litha is when a battle between light and dark takes place. The Oak King and Holly King are personifications of winter and summer in various pagan traditions. During each solstice, they battle for control and the balance shifts. The Oak King, who represents summer & light, rules from the Winter Solstice (Yule) to the Summer Solstice (Litha). During this time the days steadily get longer. However, at Litha, the Holly King wins this battle and the days get steadily shorter until Yule. If we think back to the winter solstice, a large part of that celebration is showing gratitude and respect for the bounty of the previous growing season. The Summer Solstice is about enjoying the warmth, the bounty of summer, and looking forward to another successful growing season.

For modern day pagans and witches, Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. The word Litha literally means "to illuminate/light." It is a festival related to personal growth, and a perfect opportunity to spend time outside and celebrate nature.

When I honor the power of the Sun, I reap the rewards of my harvest.


  • Wake up with the Sun and connect with it. There’s strong sun energy brewing on the solstice, which can feel intense for some. Find a quiet spot and meditate about the light and dark forces in your world.

    As you meditate on the light and warmth of the sun, place your hands on your solar plexus. Imagine you can fill it with all the energy you require to do your work in the world. Light is a living consciousness that responds instantly to your call—let it come into your field through the solar plexus, into your spine. Radiate it outward from your body. Now, imagine that you can radiate light out to everyone on the Earth, like the sun. Become a beacon for light.

  • Spend time with the flowers. Buy or pick flowers and arrange them all over your home. Flowers are symbols of the solstice and many believe flowers possess magical powers. Picking wildflowers can also be magical.
  • Fire Magic.

    Write down all the things you are ready to release this season so you can have more energy for the important things in life. Take your time and look at what keeps you from your best self. What are you ready to leave behind? What beliefs keep you stuck? What habits are derailing your ability to have the love, health, and joy you desire? Where have you taken on the anxiousness, fear, and anger of the collective?

    Another subtle way to practice fire magic is by having a bonfire or barbecue outside to welcome the summer with fire and in season foods. If you are celebrating outside with a fire, burn plants like chamomile, mugwort, st. john’s wort or lavender for good health and calm.

Our Litha ritual kit is a festive way to connect with the Sun, work fire magic, and fuel your own inner power on this magical day.

Other Rituals:

  • Cleanse and redecorate your altar.
  • Leave fairy offerings
  • Sunbathe so the Sun can recharge you
  • Make sun tea, solar water, or lavender lemonade.
  • Go cloud gazing.
  • Have a picnic outside.

Do things that make you JOYFUL!

From having a bonfire to making sun tea, there are many ways to spend the Summer Solstice and connect with the Sun. However you choose to spend the first day of summer, know it's an enchanted, and potent time for celebrating the Earth, as well as making things happen for yourself.
Wishing you many light and bright Solstice blessings!

What Summer Solstice/Litha rituals do you practice? Share them in the comments below! 🌻

1 comment

Lauren Jones

Lauren Jones

Thanks I’ve learned a lot about Gemini ♊️ new moon 🌚

Thanks I’ve learned a lot about Gemini ♊️ new moon 🌚

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