Thank You for 1 Year 💜🎂🌙

Thank You for 1 Year 💜🎂🌙



Hello Goddesses! 
This week marks the one year anniversary of Luna Lifted! My heart is so full of gratitude. Today, I want to personally thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support and love.
I also feel it's an appropriate time to introduce myself and share a piece of my story, as it is the foundation for how Luna Lifted came to be.
I started Luna Lifted first and foremost to inspire. It's my way of carrying out my soul work, my life’s purpose. I believe that purpose is to help heal and inspire other women. Especially, to the women out there who have seen how dark this world can be and how deep we can lose ourselves in that darkness. 
I was an addict of many things for much of my late teenage years and early 20s. Then after what felt like a hundred rock bottoms, I was sent to treatment. While treatment helped me take those first steps to get on the right path, it was the journey following that has helped me create a happier and healthier life for myself. I still have my flaws, I still have my demons, but my awakening came from using those failures to find my light. 
My grief and my struggle has inspired me to LOVE more, to FEEL more, and to fulfill this deep desire of helping the woman collective take back their power.
Luna Lifted was created to motivate you to see your darkness and failures as one of your biggest assets that will help you become an even better version of yourself, to help you create your own magic.
I am so inspired by women, who have the ability to be broken into a million pieces only to pick it all up and put themselves back together again.
I am not special. I am no different from any of you. We all have the ability to craft our dreams into reality. We are all so much stronger than we give ourselves credit. And regardless of what you’ve been through, your past does not define you or your future.
The Divine Feminine lives within all of us, and if you take the time to listen, and connect with her, she will help guide and protect you through whatever this life throws at you.
We’re not making HIStory any more we’re creating HERstory and 
every single one of you is contributing to that. 
Every woman who simply smiles at another woman waking down the street instead of judging her is contributing.
Every woman who chooses to put herself first is contributing.
Every woman who stands up for herself and her sisters in a society where we've been told to sit back, be quiet, and look "pretty" is helping smash the status quo.
Every woman who chooses to get out of bed in the morning to show up, even though she carries all her own pain AND the pain of the women before her, when all odds are stacked against her, is contributing to a future that is female. 
So THANK YOU. THANK YOU for all you do. THANK YOU for all the inspiration and magic you put into this world. YOU are Luna Lifted. And don't you ever forget that YOU ARE MAGIC.
May we all continue to rise. 
All my love,


A gift from us to you:

Take 40% off EVERYTHING with code:


at checkout. HURRY! Ends Midnight 🖤



Empowering Women all week long...

As you know, Luna Lifted is more than jewelry. Our goal is to make a difference in the world by supporting Women focused organizations and charities. Starting August 27th - August 29th 30% of our profits will be donated to the following charities:

 Charity for August 27th: KIVA

Kiva is an international nonprofit, based in San Francisco, that helps support women starting businesses, going to school, and leading their communities. Women around the world have much less access to fair and affordable credit for their businesses or basic needs. While 46% of men around the world report having access to formal financial services, the figure is only 27% for women. Kiva is the platform that creates a loan for these women. Supporters can then crowdfund the loan in increments of $25 or more. 

Learn more about Kiva HERE

 Charity for August 28th: GEARING UP

Riding bikes & changing lives, Gearing Up creates a supportive environment through group bike rides where women can enhance confidence and life skills, strengthen physical fitness, and build emotional health. They provide women in transition from addiction, abuse, or incarceration with the skills, equipment, and guidance to safely ride a bicycle for exercise, transportation, and personal growth. 

Learn more about Gearing Up HERE

Charity for August 29th: NIGHTLIGHT


NightLight is an international organization compelled by love to reach out to, rescue, and restore all those who are negatively impacted by sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. They offer intervention to sexually exploited women and children, to enable them to discover their dignity, and to provide a program of holistic transformation, empowering them to live and work in their community.

Learn more about NightLight HERE

Happy Full Moon in Pisces! ♓🌝

Today marks a Full Moon in Pisces, and what would a Goddess Guide post be without some sort of ritual?

Full Moons are a time to push forward the intentions you made during the New Moon. The Full Moon represents a time of amplifying energy. Prepare for transformation and the harvest of your intentions.

No matter what is brewing in your life, the energy of this Full Moon is going to help ease any intensities brought by the recent string of eclipses and retrogrades.

It's time to reflect on what we've learned and overcome. This spell/ritual is intended to help dig deep into your emotions and subconscious so you can seek your own purpose. My intention is that you find the divine messages sent by the Goddesses above. So you can live more abundantly, and feed your soul with the work it was created to do. It is here that all may become clear. 

Seeking your Purpose Ritual

Items you may need:



-amethyst crystal

-quartz crystal (or any other crystals that call to you during this ritual)

-a drawstring bag or something that will hold the crystals together (a handkerchief or piece of cloth will work)


  1. Create a sacred space. Find a quiet, clutter free place to sit, place crystals and your other spiritual tools. This is your space, think with intention and bring items that enhance your intentions.
  2. Clear your energy. Burn sage and clear your energy space, if you do not have sage imagine standing under a bright white waterfall of pure light and allow all negative and lower energies to be cleared away.
  3. Light the candle, Take a few deep breaths, center yourself and take a moment to bring yourself back of your last new moon manifestations.
  4. Breathe deeply, place your hands over your heart, and keep repeating “thank you” to yourself. Do it at least 10 times. Thank yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit, your organs, your lungs, thank every inch of your beautiful self.

With eyes closed, try to still your mind. Try to release any thoughts. Try not to engage with any thoughts that come through. Keep your mind still and just listen. Focus on listening to the rise and fall of your breath.

If this is too hard to do or you find yourself getting distracted, focus instead on 10 things you feel grateful for in your life. Really feel into them and allow the emotions to course through your body.

5. Affirmation to be read once you're centered:

In the luminous rays of the Moon, I ask: Why am I here? What is my purpose? Do I have a special place or goal I should be pursuing?Am I being anxious, for I have not yet found this special accomplishment I am to bring into being? Am I pressing something that is not yet to be revealed to me? Do I feel, as the years march on, that the time is now because I say it is now? I don't know. Tell me, help me, and bring me clarity.Perhaps I am already doing what I am meant to do. Perhaps my vanity thinks I should be contributing on a much higher lever. Everyone has his or her purpose. I look at nature. The ants have their place and so do the eagles. Maybe I am already fulfilling my purpose and am not aware of it. Bring me guidance through the wisdom of the all-knowing beings and energies that are enlightened. Make me aware if I have already reached my goal or if I am about to enter onto the path that leads toward it. It is my higher power that knows the way. I will be patient. In my patience I will learn what my true purpose is. I let go of the desire to know and accept that things will evolve according to the universal plan. I am here, I am ready.


6. Sleep with the bag of stones under your pillow or next to your bed. Pay attention to your dreams for the next three days. Look for symbols within your dreams. The answers are there for you.


Wishing you all the strength & power to fulfill your deepest goals & desires💭

1 comment

Heather Wilt

Heather Wilt

August 26 is my birthday too

August 26 is my birthday too

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