Goddess Guide

Your Guide To Mercury Retrograde
What Is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury retrograde is when the planet Mercury appears, from our human perspective on Earth, to be moving backwards. Mercury isn’t actually moving backwards, it's a ph...

Pisces Season: Unlocking The Mystic Depths Of Your Soul
Pisces, an angelic indigo being who rules infinite love and infinite dreams. The sun enters the dreamy sign of Pisces from February 18th to March 20th. The last season of the astrological year, Pi...

2024 Moon Phases & Magical Dates
As 2023 comes to a close the wheel of the year spins a new tune. The collective energy is celebratory, optimistic, and hopeful as a new beginning approaches. Before a new year begins, one small rit...

5 Unique Oracle Decks To Add To Your Collection
Dive into self-discovery with these 5 unique and culturally diverse oracle decks that will enhance your practice and dive deeper into your oracle/tarot card journey.

11:11 Portal: Unlocking your potential on this magical day
The number 11 isn't just powerful when it pops up on the clock. It also happens to be a magical and lucky date that happens once a year. There are certain annual events when synchronicities and cos...

The Witch's Halloween: 7 Rituals To Celebrate Samhain
There’s no better time to get in touch with our own magical practice than Halloween, or for some of us, Samhain. The veil between the worlds is thin. Fires are lit to help wandering spirits on thei...

How To Show Up For Yourself This Virgo Season
Written by Lizzie Burgess
Ah, the gentle nudge of Virgo season – a time when the world seems to glow with the earthy energies of growth and self-reflection. For those who resonate with the nurturin...

Tarot for Empowerment
Written by Lizzie Burgess
My dear friends,
You will often hear me call “bullshit” when it comes to Tarot.
Tarot is not just about predicting your future or telling you how your life will unfold. It...

Angel Numbers: A Guide
A Guide To Angel Numbers and What They Mean
There are so many ways we receive messages from the universe, a book/movie recommendation from a friend, an animal that crosses your path, a helpful pers...