Lunaception: the benefits of aligning your cycles with the Moon 🌛🌝🌜

Lunaception: the benefits of aligning your cycles with the Moon 🌛🌝🌜

What does the moon have to do with our period? One of the greatest pieces of evidence to support that human life is directly and intimately connected to the planets in our solar system is the re...
Litha: Summer Solstice Celebrations ☀️🌻

Litha: Summer Solstice Celebrations ☀️🌻

The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of summer. The point the life-giving Sun is at its strongest over the powers of darkness. Litha: the Summer Solstice--also known as Midsummer’s Day--fal...
New Moon in GEMINI ♊🌚 ~ Prosperity Ritual ✨💸

New Moon in GEMINI ♊🌚 ~ Prosperity Ritual ✨💸

The New Moon on Wednesday June 13, 2018 in Gemini is bringing good fortune into your life.  Look for situations to turn into positive and with that happiness follows. Gemini ...
You are Magic, own that shit 🔮✨

You are Magic, own that shit 🔮✨

What's a Goddess without her magic? The Goddess is one who is in the process of learning to know, accept and love herself on all levels, mind body and spirit. A woman who focuses on personal growt...
Ostara ~ Spring Equinox 🌷 Rituals

Ostara ~ Spring Equinox 🌷 Rituals

  Ostara: the Spring Equinox Happy first day of Spring! 🌞 The Equinox is a time of new life, balance, and harmony. Light and dark are here in balance, but the light is growing stronger. It’s also ...
Valentine's Day Ritual 💖

Valentine's Day Ritual 💖

Don’t get it twisted, today isn’t about having a partner, lover, or someone to buy you roses. Today is a holiday to honor the Goddess--YOUR inner Goddess.     The pagan calendar marks February 1st...
Your Intuition is your Greatest Superpower ✨

Your Intuition is your Greatest Superpower ✨

  How many times have you heard yourself say, “I know I should of went with my first instinct” We all have that inside voice telling us when something isn't right yet we can never put our finger...
New Year, New Intentions ✨

New Year, New Intentions ✨

New Year. New feels. New breathe. New chances. New dreams. Same dreams, fresh starts. I dare you to believe in yourself. You deserve all the magic.   NEW YEAR, NEW INTENTIONS ✨   To our unique, s...
Full Moon Rituals

Full Moon Rituals

FULL MOON: DECEMBER 3 2017 10:48am ET 11 DEGREES IN GEMINI One of the most important connections we have in the magical universe in which we live--is earth's closest neighbor: the moon. We see the...