Goddess Guide

How to Put a Picture in a Locket
Jewelry is symbolic, it carries memories, reminders, and are often shaped in symbols that hold meaning to us. A locket goes even a step beyond that by holding a photo or memento inside it.
A mement...

An Introduction to Self-Love Magick with the Norse Goddess Freyja
An Intro to Self-Love, from Freya
Written By Lizzie Burgess
Oh my gawdess, let me tell you about the magnificently badass Norse goddess Freya!
Freya is known as the personification of love, fertili...

Aries Season; Blazing into the astrological new year
Written By: Lizzie Burgess
In this extension to our intro to Aries season, I'm here to share with you some additional magick - spells and divination to start your new yearly cycle off on the rig...

The Magic of Snow: How To Use Snow In Rituals
As February comes to a close, we anticipate the new beginnings of Spring. Although, for some of us, Winter can't help but remind us that we're still in her clutches. Here in Minnesota we just got 1...

2023 Moon Phases & Magical Dates
As 2022 winds to a close the wheel of the year spins a new tune. Before a new year begins, one thing I do that makes me feel I have my sh** together is to add all the major moons and witchy holiday...

How To Make Moon Water: Capturing The Magic Of The Moon
Lunar energy can be used for cleansing or recharging the body, mind, spirit, or home. Because the Moon affects the ocean’s tides, there’s already an energetic connection between the element of wate...

Happy Earth Appreciation Day🌍
The Earth is what we all have in common. And while everyday we should appreciate her beauty and bounty, she is especially celebrated on April 22nd. All around us we can observe Gaia — or Mother Na...

2022 Moon Phases & Sabbat Dates
Date – Time – Phase(times are in Eastern Standard Time)
Jan 2 — 1:33 PM — New Moon in CapricornJan 9 — 1:11 PM — First Quarter Moon in AriesJan 17 — 6:48 PM — Full Moon in Cancer (Wolf Moo...

The Magic of the Color Purple
Purple’s rarity in nature and the expense of creating the color has given purple a supernatural aura for centuries. It's made from the combination of blue and red, showing both the stability of blu...