How To Make Moon Water: Capturing The Magic Of The Moon

How To Make Moon Water: Capturing The Magic Of The Moon

Happy Earth Appreciation Day🌍 Reading How To Make Moon Water: Capturing The Magic Of The Moon 5 minutes Next 2023 Moon Phases & Magical Dates

Lunar energy can be used for cleansing or recharging the body, mind, spirit, or home. Because the Moon affects the ocean’s tides, there’s already an energetic connection between the element of water and the Moon. When you add intention (and maybe a crystal or two), you can create a tool that can be used for everything from watering your plants to adding to your ritual bath to cleansing your home. Moon water is water that has absorbed the light of a moon. This can be any moon phase at all. Usually though, when people refer to moon water, they’re referring to full moon water.

There’s some variation on how to actually make full moon water. All you really need is water and some type of clear vessel to keep it in. The type of water matters to some people, but at the end of the day your tap water from home will make just as potent moon water as water from a natural spring. Some add intent to the water, others add crystals, herbs, salt, and so on.

Truth be told, adding these things tends to make it no longer just moon water. Adding a crystal in the water really makes it a moon water gem elixir and adding herbs in the water is just a herbal infusion. But if that’s how you want to make your moon water, then go for it! Just know that most spells that call for moon water aren’t referring to anything other than water that has absorbed the moon's light.

Harmonization of the Moon

It can be argued, a woman's happiness, inner peace and health directly depend on her harmony with the Moon - the most important female planet. The Moon is the mother of all planets; it symbolizes unselfish, absolute maternal love and care, sensitivity, emotionality, sharp mind, intuition, compassion and gratitude. Those women who live in harmony with their lunar energy possess these qualities. 

Weak lunar energy in our life can manifest in a feeling of dissatisfaction, low mood, insomnia, ban relationships with our own mother, and people around us. The planets, which are a reflection of our consciousness, guide us according to our karma. It's within our power to harmonize and compensate for the influence of our negative karma and show its best aspects. Vedic astrology helps to harmonize the Moon. You don't need complex rituals, you only need to work on yourself, your thoughts and actions. It will allow you to change or play out your destiny for the better.

One way we can connect with the Moon and her cycles is by paying attention to the phases the Moon is in and using them as a guide to work on all aspects of our life. Making Moon Water on a Full Moon is a perfect example of this.

Intentions For Each Phase:

New Moon

  • fresh starts

  • setting intentions
  • cleansing

Waxing Moon

  • growth
  • planning
  • taking action

Full Moon

  • power
  • success
  • goal coming to fruition
  • charging items

Waning Moon

  • releasing
  • letting go
  • banishing

One caveat: Never make Moon water during an eclipse—eclipse energy overpowers lunar energy, so it’s not a good time to do this kind of work.


  • Water, any kind. Purified, spring, bottled, filtered, or tap.
  • A clear jar with sealing lid
  • A paint marker, any color or label
  • A clear, cloudless night during the full moon

First, make sure your jar and lid are clean.

Next, pour your water into the jar and cap it. You can enchant the water, put some intent in there (such as matching the intents to what the moon phase tends to represent), or you can say nothing at all.

Place the jar in a window or outside where it will be in clear sight of the moon. This should be done after moon rise (so, pretty much as soon as you can see the moon and after the sun has set).

You can leave the jar out there as long as you’d like, but try to take it back inside before sunrise.

(It's also worth noting that the energy of a full moon is strong 2 days before and 2 days after a full moon with it's peak in energy they day of. Feel free to leave your jar out the eve of a full moon or the night of a full moon.)

Label the jar by writing on the jar with the paint marker or using a pre-made label. The label should at least read “full moon water” (or whatever phase the moon is at), but you might also want to add a location, date, weather, and so on to your label.

Place the jar somewhere dark without sunlight, like a closet or cupboard. use the full moon water in spells, to anoint items for more power, abundance, happiness, to bless something with lunar energy, or to charge an item.

If you’re making any other type of moon water, this above also applies, just do it on a clear night where the moon is in the right phase.

How To Use Your Moon Water

  • as a liquid ingredient in spells & potions
  • to water your plants
  • as an offering
  • to clean & cleanse everything   
  • cleanse your room by putting it in a diffuser 
  • cleanse your crystals with it
  • cleanse yourself by adding it to your bath for self care




Thank you for sharing this!! I’ve been making my own moon water for ages but always done so kind of just following my own made up ideas and having a nice overview from a trusted source is lovely!

Thank you for sharing this!! I’ve been making my own moon water for ages but always done so kind of just following my own made up ideas and having a nice overview from a trusted source is lovely!



Thank you for this informative guide on why moon water is powerful and how to make it at home! 🌚

Thank you for this informative guide on why moon water is powerful and how to make it at home! 🌚

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