2025 Moon Phases & Magical Dates

2025 Moon Phases & Magical Dates

Yule: Honoring The Winter Solstice Reading 2025 Moon Phases & Magical Dates 13 minutes Next Your Guide To Aquarius Season

As we settle into the new year, we contemplate our hopes and dreams for the next twelve months, turning our thoughts to strategy and planning. The beginning of 2025 offers a chance for powerful renewal. If 2024 was hard for you, remember that rough seas make great sailors. Like the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes, we too can be empowered to rise from the challenges of the past year and forge our own paths forward.

One simple ritual I do around the new year is adding the major moon phases, astrological seasons, transits, and witchy holidays to my planner. I personally believe it's beneficial to have a lunar calendar some place you'll see it everyday. Adding them to your planner, phone, schedule book, or calendar, brings it to the forefront of your mind, allowing you to align your life with the phases of the Moon and energy of the planets in a way that's beneficial.

PLEASE NOTE: If you live in the northern hemisphere, below are the proper dates of the wheel of the year festivals, while the italicized snippets align with the southern hemisphere. 

All Moon phase and zodiac aspects are calculated in Eastern Time. Pacific Time dates are in parenthesis if a Moon phase peaks around midnight. Major Moon phases are bolded, and zodiac seasons are italicized for clarity.


Named after Janus, the god of doors, gates, and transitions; January is the perfect time for door-opening rituals, making vision boards, setting intentions and new beginnings.

Jan. 2: Venus Enters Pisces (Jan 3 Pacific Time)

Jan. 6First Quarter Moon in Aries

Jan. 6: Mars Retrograde Enters Cancer

Jan. 8: Mercury Enters Capricorn

Jan. 13Full Moon in Cancer - Wolf Moon

Jan. 21Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio

Jan. 19Aquarius season begins

Jan. 27: Mercury Enters Aquarius

Jan. 29New Moon in Aquarius

Jan. 29: Lunar New Year/ Year of the Snake

Jan. 30: Uranus Direct in Taurus


Februalia was the ancient spring festival of washing and purification. The land had to be prepared for the planting of seeds in the coming season, so all sorts of cleansing rituals were encouraged.

Feb. 1st-28th: Black History Month

Feb. 1: Imbolc – Celebration of the Goddess Brighid.

(Southern Hemisphere: Lammas or Lughnasadh – The grain harvest at the end of summer.)

Feb. 4: Venus Enters Aries (Feb 3 for Pacific Time)

Feb. 4: Jupiter Direct in Gemini

Feb. 5: First Quarter Moon in Taurus

Feb. 12: Full Moon in Leo - Snow Moon

Feb. 14: Valentine’s Day

Feb. 14: Mercury Enters Pisces

Feb. 18Pisces season begins

Feb. 20: Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius

Feb. 23: Mars Direct in Cancer

Feb. 27: New Moon in Pisces


As the spring equinox brings balance to the planet, this month is also a time to bring balance into our lives. Celebrate the spring!

March 1: Venus Retrograde in Aries

March 3: Mercury Enters Aries

March 6: First Quarter Moon in Gemini

March 8: International Women's Day

March 9: Daylight Savings Time

March 14Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo - Worm Moon (March 13 for Pacific Time)

March 14 - April 7: Mercury is retrograde starting in Aries, ending in Pisces.

March 20: Aries season begins / Astrological New Year

March 20: Ostara – Spring Equinox and celebration of Goddess Eostre

(Southern Hemisphere: Mabon – The Autumn Equinox)

March 22: Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn

March 27: Venus Retrograde Enters Pisces

March 29New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries

March 30: Neptune Enters Aries


Rebirth abounds in April as the Earth is ready to sprout new life from the dormant winter. Get outside and feel the crisp air as it begins to take on a new warmth. Enjoy the change of the season by planting seeds either figurative or literal!

April 5First Quarter Moon in Cancer (April 4 for Pacific Time)

April 7: Mercury goes Direct in Pisces

April 12Full Moon in Libra - Pink Moon

April 12: Venus Direct in Pisces

April 16: Mercury Enters Aries (April 15 Pacific Time)

April 18: Mars Enters Leo (April 17 Pacific Time)

April 19: Taurus season begins

April 20: Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn

April 22: Earth Day – Honoring Gaia

April 27New Moon in Taurus

April 28 – May 3: Floralia – Honors the goddess of spring flowers & vegetation. See Persephone

April 30: May Eve or Rhiannon’s Day

April 30: Venus Enters Aries


This month is an excellent time to expand your horizons. If you have been wanting to try something new, now is the time to jump in full force.

May 1Beltane – Celebration of fire and fertility

(Southern Hemisphere: Samhain – the Witches’ New Year)

May 4: First Quarter Moon in Leo

May 4: Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius

May 10: Mercury Enters Taurus

May 11: Mother's Day

May 12Full Moon in Scorpio - Flower Moon

May 20Last Quarter Moon in Pisces

May 20Gemini season begins

May 24: Saturn Enters Aries

May 25: Mercury Enters Gemini

May 26: New Moon in Gemini


The days are long, and summer is officially here. Use this month to soak up the rays of light from the sun. Honor the solar deities as the heat and light shine down upon you. Allow the nourishing rays to enhance a project or idea that you have been growing since spring.

June 1st- June 30th: LGBTQ Pride month.

June 3: First Quarter Moon in Virgo (June 2 for Pacific Time)

June 6: Venus Enters Taurus (June 5 Pacific Time)

June 7-15: Roman Festival of Vestalia – honors the priestesses of Vesta, goddess of the hearth.

June 8: Mercury Enters Cancer

June 9: Jupiter Enters Cancer

June 11: Full Moon in Sagittarius - Strawberry Moon

June 15: Father's Day

June 17: Mars Enters Virgo

June 18: Last Quarter Moon in Pisces

June 19: Juneteenth

June 20Cancer season begins

June 20Litha – The Summer Solstice Learn More Here

(Southern Hemisphere: Yule – The Winter Solstice)

June 25: New Moon in Cancer

June 26: Mercury Enters Leo


During the peak of the sun, it is a great time to get into the water. Let the cool refreshing water wash away any old baggage that is hanging around. Welcome the revitalization of water by bringing in the beauty of all the colorful flowers around you.

July 2: First Quarter Moon in Libra

July 4: Venus Enters Gemini

July 4: Neptune Retrograde in Aries

July 7: Uranus Enters Gemini

July 10: Full Moon in Capricorn - Buck Moon

July 13: Saturn Retrograde in Aries (July 12 Pacific Time)

July 18 - August 11: Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Leo (July 17 Pacific Time)

July 17: Last Quarter Moon in Aries

July 22: Leo season begins

July 24: New Moon in Leo

July 30: Venus Enters Cancer


The first harvest is a time to reap the benefits of what has been sown. This month collect what you have grown either spiritually, physically, emotionally, or creatively.

August 1Lammas or Lughnasdah – The first harvest

(Southern Hemisphere: Imbolc – honoring the goddess Brighid and return of the light after the long winter)

Aug. 1: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio

Aug. 6: Mars Enters Libra

Aug. 8: Lions Gate Portal

Aug. 9: Full Moon in Aquarius - Sturgeon Moon

Aug. 11: Mercury Goes Direct in Leo

Aug. 13: Roman Festival of Pomona, goddess of apples and orchards

Aug. 16: Last Quarter Moon in Taurus (Aug 15 for Pacific Time)

Aug. 22: Virgo season begins

Aug. 23: New Moon in Virgo (Aug 22 for Pacific Time)

Aug. 25: Venus Enters Leo

Aug. 31: First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius (Aug 30 for Pacific Time)


As the leaves shift their colors to store food for the coming winter, we too must store our own energy for the darkness ahead. Take time to enjoy the changing of the season by spending time in nature

Sept. 1: Saturn Retrograde Enters Pisces

Sept. 2: Mercury Enters Virgo

Sept. 6: Uranus Retrograde in Gemini (Sept 5 Pacific Time)

Sept. 7: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces - Corn/Harvest Moon

Sept. 14: Last Quarter Moon in Gemini

Sept. 18: Mercury Enters Libra

Sept. 19: Venus Enters Virgo

Sept. 21: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Virgo

Sept. 21: International Day of Peace

Sept. 22: Mars Enters Scorpio

Sept. 22: Libra season begins

Sept. 22Mabon – Autumn Equinox

(Southern Hemisphere: Ostara – the Spring Equinox)

Sept. 29: First Quarter Moon in Capricorn


The light is fading, and the dark is setting in. This month is a great time to reflect on your own roots and where you came from. Take time to honor your ancestor as the veil between the worlds thins. Be open to receiving psychic messages, meditation and journaling.

Oct. 6: Full Moon in Aries - Hunter's Moon

Oct. 6: Mercury Enters Scorpio

Oct. 3: Roman Festival of Bacchus – God of vegetation and wine

Oct. 13: Last Quarter Moon in Cancer

Oct. 13: Indigenous Peoples' Day

Oct. 13: Venus Enters Libra

Oct. 13: Pluto Goes Direct in Aquarius

Oct. 21New Moon in Libra

Oct. 22: Scorpio season begins

Oct. 22: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Oct. 29: First Quarter Moon in Aquarius

Oct. 29: Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Oct. 31Samhain – The Witches’ New Year

(Southern Hemisphere: Beltane – a feast of fire and fertility)


The end of the harvest brings with it the cold of winter. As the chill sets in the air, begin to strengthen your relationship with the divine during the coming darkness. Reach out to friends and family and reconnect. Focus on gratitude and let go of the things in your life that no longer serve you.

Nov. 2: Daylight savings time ends

Nov. 4: Mars Enters Sagittarius

Nov. 5: Full Moon in Taurus - Beaver Moon

Nov. 6: Venus Enters Scorpio

Nov. 7: Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

Nov. 9 - Nov. 29: Mercury is retrograde starting in Sagittarius, ending in Scorpio

Nov. 11: 11/11 Portal: Learn More Here

Nov. 11: Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer

Nov. 12: Last Quarter Moon in Leo (Nov 11 for Pacific Time)

Nov. 16: Hecate’s Night- Honoring the Greek Goddess Hecate

Nov. 20: New Moon in Scorpio (Nov 19 for Pacific Time)

Nov. 21: Sagittarius season begins

Nov. 27: Saturn Goes Direct in Pisces

Nov. 28: First Quarter Moon in Pisces (Nov 27 for Pacific Time)

Nov. 29: Mercury Goes Direct in Scorpio

Nov. 30: Venus Enters Sagittarius


The perfect month for gathering with friends and family to feel their warmth during the cold of winter. Take this month to spend time reflecting on the previous year. But don’t forget to look ahead as the new year can be full of changes. Focus your energy on the upcoming spring and how you want to prepare for the start of new projects or adventures.

Dec. 4: Full Moon in Gemini - Cold Moon

Dec. 10: Neptune Goes Direct in Pisces

Dec. 11: Last Quarter Moon in Virgo

Dec. 11: Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Dec. 15: Mars Enters Capricorn (December 14 Pacific Time)

Dec. 17: Saturnalia, a Roman celebration of the god Saturn, begins

Dec. 19: New Moon in Sagittarius

Dec. 21: Capricorn season begins

Dec 21Yule – the Winter Solstice

(Southern Hemisphere: Litha – The Summer Solstice)

Dec 24: Venus Enters Capricorn

Dec. 27: First Quarter Moon in Aries

New Years Eve Ritual for December 31st, 2025

Write yourself a letter to open at the end of 2025

New Years Eve is the perfect time to manifest your goals and wishes for the coming year. Collectively, it is a time of celebration and optimism as everyone around the world welcomes the new year. Everyone's energies are amplifying each others making it a powerful time to set intentions. To harness this energy for your advantage one thing you can do is write a letter to yourself filled with all your goals for 2025.

1. In the beginning of January 2025 gather a piece of paper and pen and start writing as if you're your future self a year from now looking back on the year. Include everything you want to happen this year. Be very specific, detailed, do not play small, and make it long! Write it in the affirmative. For example: DO write: "I am happy to not feel anxious anymore" instead of "I do not want to feel anxious"

Writing prompts:

-write about how you've changed as a person

-write about what you're grateful for

-write about skills or hobbies you want to learn

-write about a habit you want to create or eliminate

-write about your boundaries

-write about new routines you wish to implement

-write about something you're most proud of that will happen in 2025

-write about your top 10 bucket list items for 20245

-write about what it feels like to have achieved your goals

2. When you're done with your letter fold it towards you and seal it in an envelope if you have one.

3. Add crystals and jewelry on top of your letter so they can pick up those intentions. The idea behind this is you're carrying your intentions with you when wearing the jewelry or holding the crystals.

4. You can also light a candle on midnight and place your letter under it.

5. Put the letter somewhere you will remember it and see it every once in a while but not every day.

6. Set a reminder on your phone for December 31st, 2025 when you can open the letter and read it. Don't forget to remind yourself where you put the letter!


Wishing you a prosperous and abundant new year! May your magic always work in your favor.


About the Writer
Kendra is the creator of Luna Lifted, a brand dedicated to empowering women to seek their magic. She is a practicing {eclectic} witch of 10+ years. When she's not designing and creating new things for Luna Lifted, you can find her reading a fantasy novel, gardening, gaming, or indulging in a long bath. Kendra resides in Minneapolis, MN with her three cats: Tunechi, Rumi, and Marceline.

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