𝓜𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓷 𝓑𝓵𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼!
or if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, Ostara Blessings!
Mabon is the Autumn Equinox, a time of equilibrium. Day and night are equal and we start moving away from more light and into the darkness. Mabon usually occurs on or around September 22nd, when the sun reaches 0 degrees of Libra.
While the Spring Equinox manifests the equilibrium before action, the Autumn Equinox represents the relaxation that comes after action. The abundance we’ve created for our self throughout the summer is coming to an end. It’s an opportunity to assess our goals, celebrate our achievements, and prepare for the upcoming winter. As you celebrate the abundance around you, this is also a great time to begin to clear out clutter - emotional, spiritual, and physical - to get ready for the dark time of the year.
As plants wither, their energy goes into the hidden roots and nourishes the Earth, the leaves of trees turn from green to red, brown and gold- symbolic of the sinking as nature prepares for winter. This is a the time of balance between the outer and inner worlds. From now on, we turn towards nurturing our own roots, pondering our inner lives and planning for the long-term. Thoughts can be seeded, gradually growing in the unconscious until they can emerge in the spring.
Honoring the Balance
Mabon Rituals

Visit an orchard
Cleanse your space
Cleanse your space and clear out junk. Get your home organized before the colder months so you can sink into a sanctuary that feels comfortable and cozy.
Honor your darker side
Do shadow work or express your inner shadow artistically. You can do this through journaling or guided meditations.
A change of season is always an appropriate excuse to give your altar a facelift. Decorate with flowers that are in season, natural items you find in nature, and the golden colors of fall.

Mabon Simmer Pot
You don't need all of these ingredients to make a simmer pot, a few will do just fine. I usually use cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and apples. Simple! Use whatever amount of each ingredient that feels right, this is your spell.
- Fill pot with water about 3/4 full.
- Add ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil.
- Reduce to a simmer, stir the pot clockwise. Unless you are doing a banishing or releasing spell, in that case stir the pot counter clockwise.
- Visualize your desired outcome or goal for the magical work you are doing. Are you aiming to create happiness in the home, or more money in your wallet? Whatever it may be focus on what you want the outcome to look like. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish. You’ll know when!
- You may recite your goal, a chant, or ritual words while you stir as well. Something pertaining to your desired outcome.
- When you finish just remember to not let your pot boil dry. If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low.

Wishing you abundance and balance in your everyday life ⚫⚪🍁🧡
Sending love & insight,
About the Writer
Kendra is the creator of Luna Lifted, an eclectic witch with a passion for sharing her craft and knowledge of magick with the world. When she's not designing and creating new things for Luna Lifted, you can find her reading a fantasy novel, gardening, gaming, or indulging in a long bath. Kendra resides in Minnesota with her three cats: Tunechi, Rumi, and Marceline.
Thank you for these ideas. Some were new to me, so that’s awesome.
I’m curious about the Tarot cards shown. What deck are they from? Thanks!
Thank you for these ideas. Some were new to me, so that’s awesome.
I’m curious about the Tarot cards shown. What deck are they from? Thanks!
Kay Jackson
I am so happy to find you! Such a wealth of information. Thank you!
I am so happy to find you! Such a wealth of information. Thank you!