The chill of autumn fills the air as the veil between worlds thins. Fires are lit to guide wandering spirits on their way, rituals are prepared, and altars are set up to honor those who have passed. It is time to tie up loose ends and celebrate all that we have accomplished during the past year. We honor our shadows and prepare ourselves for the months of introspection ahead. Samhain is here—the night when the dead rise and the living remember.
Samhain (pronounced 'sow-win') is a pagan festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. Often referred to as the Witch's New Year, it is typically celebrated from sundown on October 31st to sundown on November 1st. Samhain marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the dark half of the year.
What is the dark half of the year?
The Celtic calendar divides the year into two seasons: the light half and the dark half. The dark half begins at Samhain, around November 1st on the modern calendar, marking the time when night overtakes day and we enter the cold, hibernation period. Vegetation dies, and the Earth slumbers as we retreat indoors. Historically, these were the lean times when our ancestors had to make their harvest last until the sun returned in the spring, bringing with it new life.

Embracing the shadows
As witches, we understand that everything in life has a balance. We cannot have the good without the bad, nor the light without the dark. Phrases like "love and light" and "good vibes only" suppress the darker aspects of life. This kind of thinking creates the divides that shadow work seeks to heal.
To perform rituals and manipulate the world around us, witches must harness a deep degree of self-awareness, as we use our personal energy.
Shadow work involves developing self-awareness of the uncomfortable parts of ourselves that hold anger, pain, and trauma. It's about discovering the "shadow side" of our subconscious to identify the wounds and thought processes that hinder our highest potential. Simply put, the purpose of shadow work is to pinpoint the aspects of our lives that are holding us back. By looking inward and sitting in stillness, we aim to feel each uncomfortable emotion presented and decipher its meaning and purpose. Only when we can see the areas that still require internal work can we clear out what holds us back and align our will to truly bring our goals to fulfillment.
Samhain & The Crone
The energies, archetypes, and deities associated with this time naturally embody the serious, wise, and introspective energy that the season reflects. These energies are not afraid of death; in fact, they are the most comfortable with it of all the archetypes. The dark half of the year is ruled by the transformative Crone. Unafraid of death, the underworld, darkness, or the subconscious shadow realm, the Crone in fact rules them. She bravely walks where others fear to go, and it is there that she learns her most valuable lessons.
only in light can we see our shadows.
and only in shadows can we see our light.
In my Samhain spell work, I honor and call on the Crone in various ways. Sometimes she manifests through different archetypes, such as Hecate, the Morrígan, or the Cailleach. Learn about different Crone Goddesses and meditate on one that call to you.
Connecting with ancestors
The thinning of the veil offers the opportunity to connect with loved ones that have passed on in a way that is clearer than any other time of the year. Connecting with our ancestors can offer insight, wisdom, and healing. After all, magic is always more powerful when you have some help behind it.
Connecting with my ancestors is a practice that is pretty new for me personally. I've only just recently started exploring it. If this is something you're interested getting into but don't know where to start, start with this Modern Witch podcast episode. The episode features two different practitioners who have created an effective ancestral practices that they use to help others.
Whether you're a seasoned witch, a new practitioner, or simply curious about this alternative to Halloween, I believe you can take what you want from this information and incorporate it into your own practice in a way that feels right for you. I'm not here to gatekeep; I'm here to share magic with those who are willing to explore their own. Samhain is a time to face your fears and celebrate that magic is possible, regardless of who you are or what you practice.
If you're seeking a ritual or spell to perform on Samhain, check out the downloadable version of my Samhain Ritual Kit Guidebook: transforming ghosts into goals for the witch's new year. It offers step-by-step instructions with incantations, requiring only two candles and your presence.
When celebrating Samhain, I enjoy dressing in my most witchy attire and adorning myself with my favorite witchy jewelry. Every candle in my home is typically lit throughout the day because ✨vibes✨. I do my Samhain rituals (that I've proactively prepared beforehand to ensure I'm fully present during them) with my Samhain playlist going. I usually cook an autumn-inspired dinner and conclude the day by indulging in a few of my favorite witchy films while handing out candy to trick-or-treaters.
What does your ideal Samhain/Halloween look like? I 'd love to know in the comments.
Sending love, insight, and MANY Samhain blessings.
Need more Samhain inspo? Check out these past Goddess Guide posts on this magical time of the year:
The Witch's Halloween: 7 Rituals To Celebrate Samhain
From Balance to Intensity, Samhain, and Persephone
About the Writer
Kendra is the creator of Luna Lifted, a brand dedicated to empowering women to seek out their magic. She is a practicing {eclectic} witch of 10+ years. When she's not designing and creating new things for Luna Lifted, you can find her reading a fantasy novel, gardening, gaming, or indulging in a long bath. Kendra resides in Minnesota with her three cats: Tunechi, Rumi, and Marceline.