Virgo Season, Organization, and Vesta

Virgo Season, Organization, and Vesta

Written By Shawn Engel After the party-going, wild and confident Leo season, we are switching gears into Virgo season, which is more of tidying up and preparing for Fall than staying up until 3 am ...
Sex Magick: How To Open Your Mind For Powerful Manifestation

Sex Magick: How To Open Your Mind For Powerful Manifestation

Written by Gem Blackthorn Sex Magick is arguably the most intimate form of manifestation. It harnesses ecstatic energy and directs it towards your intention like an unstoppable laser beam, crackli...
A Lesson In Self Love: Finding It Through Your Craft

A Lesson In Self Love: Finding It Through Your Craft

Written By Daina Lynn I tend to get very ethereal with day-to-day things. It’s just my nature. And it’s part of my self-reflection process. What I mean by that is I like to take a simple thing, lik...
Leo Season, Duality, and Glamour Magick

Leo Season, Duality, and Glamour Magick

Written By Shawn Engel Leo season is upon us! And while we aren’t fully out of the retrograde mishaps (Mercury retrograde ends July 31st) we are starting to feel clearer and more empowered after th...
Herbal Magic: 4 Powerful Herbs And How To Use Them

Herbal Magic: 4 Powerful Herbs And How To Use Them

Written By Ebony Kingma   Have you ever thought about turning to herbal remedies and concoctions to better your health and wellbeing? We will explore everything from certain herbs that are benefici...
Litha, Lana Del Rey, and the Lionness

Litha, Lana Del Rey, and the Lionness

Written By Shawn Engel Ah summer! Enter visions of beach days, midday popsicles, sundresses and pool parties, allowing the rising temperature to seduce our minds away from the cold of winter. On a ...
10 Books To Inspire Your Feminine Spirit

10 Books To Inspire Your Feminine Spirit

Nothing provokes change and empowerment more than sharing our stories. The deep, raw words from women who have been through their own kind of hell & back and live to write the tale. We’ve gathe...
Tap Into The Energy Of Spring: Ostara Rituals 🌱🌷

Tap Into The Energy Of Spring: Ostara Rituals 🌱🌷

Do you feel it? The parts of you coming alive in ways they never have before? Welcome to the Spring Equinox. Nature is waking up and being reborn. The same is happening within you. Embrace this new...
The Magic of Self Love 💝✨

The Magic of Self Love 💝✨

People say "LoVe YoUrSeLf" as if it's that easy. The reality is, it can be a challenge. And it only gets better with practice and time. The voices in your head are the hardest to silence. It starts...